APPOINTMENT CANCELLATION POLICY: (Please read prior to scheduling)
*You may cancel or reschedule your appointment without charge up to 48 hours preceding your appointment via text. Please provide name in text message.
**Sessions cancelled with 24-hour period will be subject to $45 charge.
***Same day cancellations along with no call no shows (from existing clients) will be charged 100% of the scheduled service price that must be paid in full prior to next session.
****No call No Shows on first time client visit will result in client not being able to ever schedule a session with us in the future.
*****Any client with 3 or more cancellations in a one-month period will be asked to not return to Reactivate Bodywork as this disrupts our scheduling process.
Days Available (SU, M, W, TH)
8801 E. Hampden Avenue Suite 106
Denver, CO 80231
Only accepting referral Clients.
All clients being referred by their physician, MUST schedule a 30-minute injury session for the first visit.
New clients MUST contact us prior to scheduling.
Existing clients please continue scheduling as usual.
* Any session scheduled without contacting us will be cancelled until we have a chance to discuss your therapeutic needs. Thank you for your cooperation!
**Please read Cancellation Policy prior to scheduling.
Injury Bodywork is a type of modality that focuses on the specific area of the injury to help with healing, pain relief, and prevention of re-injury. It can complement standard injury rehabilitation procedures by improving blood and lymph fluid flow, relaxing muscles, stretching tight tissues, and breaking down adhesions.
In the Injury Bodywork session, it is important that the bodyworker understands the injury and its recovery process to best administer the appropriate pressure and technique.
At Reactivate Bodywork, our Corrective Bodywork focuses on working with your neuro-myo- fascial network systematically, treating your body in layers. We organize our work so that aberrant patterns in your fascia are not driven deeper. This is a common a mistake made in the more traditional “deep-tissue” or “myofascial” therapies.
Working in this corrective style, we use soft tissue manipulation to guide you toward more balance and freedom from pain. We utilize our extensive knowledge of the properties and behavior of fascia to best serve the client.
Our Corrective Bodywork approach allows us to avoid creating unnecessary pain through unrefined touch. This allows us to concentrate on doing deep, lasting, and significant work, with anatomical precision, blended with movement and sensitivity to the individual experience.